I put the orange jug in the fridge and shut the door. Yup, it's time to do labs and, as always, it includes that orange jug of pee. It's not easy to mistake it for juice though, it certainly doesn't look like anything anyone would want to drink from ;) I'm pretty pleased with it, it's almost full.
I usually get nervous before lab day and the appointment (which is at the end of the month) but I'm really not. I know I've Prayed a Bunch and God is going to take care of me no matter what those labs say. They are just numbers and sometimes I really wonder if my kidneys even know that most of their filters are damaged.
Since I got my last labs done (in April) I have been doing a new diet. I started GAPS in April and its an anti-inflammatory, low-carb diet. I did gluten free/ dairy free when I got pregnant with Baby M and this is very similar. I can eat cultured dairy now like yogurt and cheese but I have removed all grains from my diet. I can't say I feel a lot better but I have lost a lot of weight. I also have more energy and I think that's a pretty big deal since my biggest symptom of lupus is tiredness and I have a baby to take care of.
There is a book that goes into detail about the diet and it was really interesting. It talked a lot about the gut and how so many things can damage it. Almost everything that can damage it I have taken, like steroids (took to stop the kidney disease from progressing) antibiotics (I got sick a lot as a child) and the list goes on.
I've also tried acupuncture in the last few months. I didn't really like it and so after 2 sessions I decided not to go back. I just had a feeling about it.
One thing I've seen a lot of lately and I am researching is Essential Oils. I'm going to start slow with it though. Hubby is a little nervous that they won't help and so we don't want to jump in and spend a lot up front. I did find this though:Olivia's Oil Testimony A testimony of how they help one fellow FSGS patient. It's a pretty amazing story!
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